Mentor Biography

Hello! My name is Trey Perry and I am in my third year of Biomedical Sciences, with a minor in chemistry, here at UCF. I graduated from Eustis High School in 2019, however, I only attended it for one year. My favorite professor at UCF would have to be Walter Sotero. He teaches Genetics I and is a very helpful, jolly guy. He always made sure that the class was interesting and kept the classes’ spirits up! My favorite course so far is Immunology. I really enjoyed learning how the immune system worked, and plan to attend medical school to become an immunologist. I originally joined EXCEL because I wanted to make friends in STEM programs and that I did. My core group of friends at UCF all came from my EXCEL math courses. Get to know your fellow EXCEL students, they could end up being your life-long friends! For students who are just entering college, my biggest piece of advice would be to have a plan. EXCEL focuses on a lot of post-graduate opportunities and planning out your future is one of the most important steps to success. In my free time, I like to work out and play video games with my friends. I can’t wait to meet you all this coming fall!