Mentor Biography

Hi! My name is Moses Hinrichsen. I am studying aerospace engineering, and this will be my second year at UCF. I graduated high school from Circle Christian School with a STEM Honors diploma, in 2019. One of my favorite classes so far at UCF has been Chemistry for Engineers, which was a part of my general engineering classes. It is a really fun class that exposes you to a lot of interesting chemistry concepts, that give you a new perspective to engineering problem. One of my favorite professors is Christopher Botelho. He was my instructor for calc 2 and even though the it was a difficult class, Christopher was very approachable and did an amazing job at explaining the concepts and making the class engaging. I wanted to be a part of the COMPASS program as a mentor because I like to learn about new topics and I also enjoy helping others learn and helping others achieve their goals. Something, I did as a freshman that has helped me was I sot out ways to get involved on campus with different groups, I also used the Excel/COMPASS Lab, because it has a great resource of information about your math and science classes. When I am not in a class, or in the lab, I spend time playing video games, working on engineering projects, and hanging out with my friends. I cannot wait to meet you all!