Mentor Biography

Hi! My name is Gianna Fraggetti and I am a 2nd year Mechanical Engineering major at UCF. I graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. I’ve enjoyed many of the classes I’ve taken at UCF, but my favorites so far have been my math classes. Besides learning from excellent teachers, taking Calculus 1 and 2 through Excel has allowed me to meet my closest friends. I really enjoyed how the class sizes were smaller and seeing the same familiar Excel/Compass students in my classes really helped us bond. It was great that we could lean on each other for support, especially in difficult classes. My favorite professor so far would probably have to be my Calculus 2 instructor, Killian Muollo. You could really tell how much he cared about his students doing well. He gave thorough explanations and I can honestly say I learned so much in that class. Calculus 2 can be considered one of the hardest math classes, but I’m thankful to have taken it with Killian because he did not make that seem to be the case.

Getting involved with the Compass program is one of the most beneficial decisions I’ve made. It really helped show me the different paths STEM majors can take you, and ultimately helped me finalize my decision to pursue Mechanical Engineering. I had great mentors from the program that were so helpful, and can’t wait to be able to do the same for my mentees! The most helpful advice I would say is to make sure you embrace the process and get involved in campus life as much as you can! When I’m not in class, I like to get involved by meeting with UCF’s Mechanical Engineering club, ASME. Whenever I have free time though, I like to hang out with my friends and do any random fun activities like go bowling or play card games. Don’t worry, there’s never a shortage of fun things to do on campus!