
Hi! My name is Chris Hagglund and I am a Sophomore in Environmental Engineering. I graduated from Hagerty high school in 2017. One of my favorite classes so far at UCF has been Introduction to Genetic Engineering. I thought learning about genetics and immunology was interesting as lots of the material pertains to our society’s future. I am currently part of the EXCEL Program and I am really glad I joined last year. As part of our seminar class, the program brought industry specialist to talk about their work as well as current professors to talk about their research. Because of EXCEL I am able to be a part of research in a lab this summer. I decided to become a COMPASS Mentor because I think it is very beneficial. Students can ask their mentors any questions ranging from what is the best major for their interests to where a certain building is. In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and Fifa.

Word of advice: If you are interested in a class or something a professor is involved with, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Also, it is never too early to participate in research and I can give you tips on how to do this.