
My name is Brinn Matthews, I’m majoring in aerospace engineering and minoring in computer science. This will be my second year at University of Central Florida and I am greatly looking forward to getting further into my major.  Engineering has interested me for the longest time as I was constantly building random things while I was a little kid. This lead me to East Lake High School’s Academy for Engineering located in the Tampa Bay Area. My classes and amazing teachers ensured me that engineering was the right path. Now at UCF I have enjoyed every second of the challenges of engineering. So far, my favorite teacher has been Jordan D’Abruzzo for calculus II. It’s known as a tough course but for me it was a matter of setting aside time to sit down learn the material fully. My number one recommendation for anybody coming into college is have great time management skills. Some people may not have had to study in high school but in college it is necessity for success.