
Hi! My name is Alexa Frost and I am a senior majoring in Industrial Engineering.  I graduated from J.R. Arnold High School in Panama City Beach, Florida in 2015.  One of my favorite classes at UCF has been Manufacturing Engineering.  I have always thought about how things are made, and this class gave me insight on the processes used to make the things all around us. One of my favorite professors is Professor Calabrese.  I had him for both Intro to Industrial Engineering and Engineering Economic Analysis and Cost Engineering.  He is a well-versed professor that has worked just about everywhere and tells some pretty great stories with his lectures.  I initially became involved with GEMS when I was a mentee myself during my freshman year.  I met other mentees in my group who are also majoring in industrial engineering, and now I have great friends who I can even study with in future courses.  In such a large school, this program really helps to make you feel like you are part of a smaller community.  I had a great experience with my own mentor and I want others to be able to have the same experience I did, so I decided to become a GEMS mentor myself during my sophomore year, and continued with the program as a COMPASS mentor.  When I’m not studying, I love to play tennis and racquetball, ride my longboard, watch Netflix, go to campus events, or just hang out with my friends.


Some words of wisdom: Lists and calendars can be lifesavers when you have to remember all of the things you need to do by the end of the week.  So write down all of your assignments to do, errands you need to run, and anything else you shouldn’t forget!  And secondly, bring an umbrella everywhere you go!