COMPASS began in 2012 to assist students who are undecided on which major or career to pursue in college but want a head start exploring career options in STEM.
Students who have indecision about their major or career spend more money on tuition trying to explore different majors and often take longer to graduate. COMPASS offers guided exploration of the STEM majors and assistance in the decision-making process. COMPASS students who truly have indecision about their major participate in the STEM Explorations Career Planning course along with their cohort math course during the first semester. This course helps students determine “Who they are,” “Where they are going,” and “How they will get there” while gaining clarity on strengths and interests through facilitated self-discovery and exposure to science and engineering careers. If a student declares in a STEM major late in the process but before classes begin, they can be moved to the STEM Seminar course with other STEM students which provides resources and support to assist STEM student success in the first year of college.